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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Using Oratex UL600

Using Oratex is clean and, as my office is big and my workshop is small and cold, I decided to work in my office for the smaller parts (actually everything except the fuselage).
Applying Oratex is very simple and the result is easily very good. While Oratex is attaching very well to the structure the best is when Oratex is glued to Oratex with the hot-melt. One way to increase the surface of Oratex against Oratex is to use edge tape.  
Where I run into difficulties was when I wanted to apply the edge tape to a surface with rounded corners (like the elevator). While Oratex expand a little under heat and tension, and retracts under more heat, there is a obviously a limit in the relation between corner radius and edge tape width. To get around this (after an initial failure...), without reducing the width of the edge tape, I cut a "waist" in the edge tape around the corners and before cluing it I applied a curved piece of fabric, with the same width as the edge tape, to the corner that would then be partially covered by the edge tape.    Agree, not my most exciting scenario...

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